Simple Estate Planning Checklists & Tools

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Australia's most comprehensive Estate Planning Checklists & Tools

✓ Save time and money by being prepared
✓ Complement your Will with critical information
✓ Remove the burden for your family and Executor

Our comprehensive suite of Estate Planning Checklists & Tools suits anyone, no matter if you already have a Last Will and Testament or not yet. Be best prepared before making a Will and capture additional information outside your Will to support your family should they need to step in down the track.

Protect your family and your Estate.

Checklists & Tools are in PDF, Excel and Word formats.

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What We Offer



don’t pay $49 and save $20

Start Your Estate Planning Journey

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Have a Question?

a photo of Stephan Dahinden - Founder & Director of simplyEstate

“Our mission is to empower Australian Families to be best prepared and protect their loved ones with a few simple steps.”

Stephan Dahinden

Managing Director & Founder

Email us your question and we will help find the most suitable Checklists for you.

What You Receive


Simple Estate Planning Checklists

The simplyEstate Simple Estate Planning Checklist provides an overview of the most common areas covered during Estate Planning to complement your Last Will & Testament.

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Simple Estate Planning Checklists

Preparing a Will Checklist

The simplyEstate Preparing a Will Checklist guides you through the most common areas and considerations for a Last Will & Testament. It allows you to capture all details to save time and money when meeting with a Wills & Estates Lawyer.

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Please provide your details to receive: All Free Checklists & Tools.

We will not share your details. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website as outlined in the Privacy Policy, which is available here.

Preparing a Will Checklist

Valuables & Home Contents Inventory

The simplyEstate Valuables & Home Contents Inventory is a simple to use estate planning excel spreadsheet to capture all valuables, personal belongings and home contents with financial and sentimental value to help with family estate planning and identifying items to be gifted and bequeathed.

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We will not share your details. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website as outlined in the Privacy Policy, which is available here.

Valuables & Home Contents Inventory​


Assets & Liabilities Inventory

The simplyEstate Assets & Liabilities Inventory is a simple estate planning excel spreadsheet Testators can use to keep track of everything belonging to their Estate. Use this Estate Planning Tool to automatically determine what forms part of the Estate and calculate the estimated Estate value.

Assets & Liabilities Inventory

Automatic Estate Value Calculation

click image to see how it works

Health & Care Wishes

The simplyEstate Health & Care Wishes allows Testators to determine how they would like to be cared for and what health decisions their loved ones should make if they are no longer able to do so themselves. These types of decisions are difficult to make for loved ones and can cause misunderstandings. Note: this is not a legally binding Health Care Directive.

Health & Care Wishes

Organ Donation Wishes

The simplyEstate Organ Donation Details allows a Testator to keep track of their organ donation details as part of their family estate plan. By communicating these details you can ensure that your loved ones will know about your wishes.

Organ Donation Wishes

Funeral Wishes

The simplyEstate Estate Funeral Wishes guides a Testator through the considerations and decisions around the funeral in line with how you want your life to be celebrated. This will greatly assist your loved ones with decisions during an emotional time.

Funeral Wishes

Online Accounts Summary

The simplyEstate Online Accounts Summary allows Testators to keep track of all their online accounts and if those should be closed, memorialised or dealt with in a particular way.

Online Accounts Summary

Service Providers Details

The simplyEstate Service Provider Details allows Testators to communicate all the service providers used to ensure their Executor can notify them, cancel or transfer accounts, stop payments and in some cases even request reimbursement of prepaid fees.

Service Providers Details

Save Your Executor 30 Hours

Important Contacts Directory

The simplyEstate Important Contacts Directory allows a Testator to keep track of important contact details and assist their loved ones and Executor to notify important people and invite them to the funeral.

Important Contacts Directory

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$29 one-off

don’t pay $49 and save $20

  1. Simple Estate Planning Checklist
  2. Preparing a Will Checklist
  3. Valuables & Home Contents Inventory

Start Your Estate Planning Journey

Free Downloads

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Please provide your details to receive: All Free Checklists & Tools.

We will not share your details. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website as outlined in the Privacy Policy, which is available here.


$39 one-off

don’t pay $139 and save $100

  1. Simple Estate Planning Checklist
  2. Preparing a Will Checklist
  3. Valuables & Home Contents Inventory
  4. Assets & Liabilities Inventory
  5. Health & Care Wishes
  6. Organ Donation Wishes
  7. Funeral Wishes
  8. Online Accounts Summary
  9. Service Providers Details
  10. Important Contacts Directory
Save 99 hours or $900 in lawyer fees1

Things you should know

1Time saved is based on the estimated time required to research the information, develop the tools and maintain all records covered in these Checklists & Tools. Lawyer fees saved assumes an hour with a lawyer to explain administrative aspects covered in these Checklists and provide similar administrative Tools.

The Checklists & Tools on this page are not legal documents and do not constitute legal advice as per our Terms & Conditions.